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Machinery connect - used machinery center

Business matching for buying and selling second-hand machinery and equipment

Are you having these problems?

Storing machinery for a long time is risky - stockpiling goods, expensive maintenance costs

(Seller) wants to sell used equipment at a high price⬆️
(Buyer) Want to buy second-hand equipment at a cheaper price⬇️

We want to meet your needs!
So if you are not in a hurry to sell, why not try FIT's "Machinery connect" service?
We can help you find people interested in purchasing your machinery or equipment through our network.


[Support from us]
☘️Post products on the second-hand machinery parts website ( )
☘️ Promote posts on SNS media such as Facebook and machinery-specific groups.
☘️Send product recommendation emails directly to the manufacturing factory.
☘️Inquire through the network of trading companies and businesses related to equipment.
☘️Act as a mediator between buyers and sellers until the end of the sale.



[I want to sell used machinery and equipment. What should I do? ]
1.↓Please click on the image to download the form.
Download Excel
2. Please fill in the product details and contact information within the file.
*There is an example of how to fill it out*
*There are two languages, Japanese form and Thai form in the same file. Select to fill in the (Format) Products List TH page.
3. Please send the file back via email to (Excel file format).
4. Please send photos with the form via email (Condition: more than 2 photos - group photos and product label photos)


After checking the information, we will contact you again.
Our publication will only publish product information. Contact information will not be published. Hope we can work together. Thank you. 🙏